Hash Table with Linear Probing
Learn Theory - Linear probing
/* to store a data (consisting of key and value) in hash table array */
struct item
int key;
int value;
/* each hash table item has a flag (status) and data (consisting of key and value) */
struct hashtable_item
int flag;
* flag = 0 : data does not exist
* flag = 1 : data exists
* flag = 2 : data existed at least once
struct item *data;
int size = 0;
int max = 10;
struct hashtable_item array[10];
/* initializing hash table array */
void init_array()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
array[i].flag = 0;
array[i].data = NULL;
/* to every key, it will generate a corresponding index */
int hashcode(int key)
return (key % max);
/* to insert an element in the hash table */
void insert(int key, int value)
int index = hashcode(key);
int i = index;
/* creating new item to insert in the hash table array */
struct item *new_item = (struct item*) malloc(sizeof(struct item));
new_item->key = key;
new_item->value = value;
/* probing through the array until we reach an empty space */
while (array[i].flag == 1)
if (array[i].data->key == key)
/* case where already existing key matches the given key */
printf("\n Key already exists, hence updating its value \n");
array[i].data->value = value;
i = (i + 1) % max;
if (i == index)
printf("\n Hash table is full, cannot insert any more item \n");
array[i].flag = 1;
array[i].data = new_item;
printf("\n Key (%d) has been inserted \n", key);
/* to remove an element from the hash table */
void remove_element(int key)
int index = hashcode(key);
int i = index;
/* probing through array until we reach an empty space where not even once an element had been present */
while (array[i].flag != 0)
if (array[i].flag == 1 && array[i].data->key == key )
// case when data key matches the given key
array[i].flag = 2;
array[i].data = NULL;
printf("\n Key (%d) has been removed \n", key);
i = (i + 1) % max;
if (i == index)
printf("\n This key does not exist \n");
/* to display all the elements of hash table */
void display()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
struct item *current = (struct item*) array[i].data;
if (current == NULL)
printf("\n Array[%d] has no elements \n", i);
printf("\n Array[%d] has elements -: \n %d (key) and %d(value) ", i, current->key, current->value);
int size_of_hashtable()
return size;
void main()
int choice, key, value, n;
do {
printf("MENU-: \n1.Inserting item in the Hashtable"
"\n2.Removing item from the Hashtable"
"\n3.Check the size of Hashtable"
"\n4.Display Hashtable"
"\n\n Please enter your choice-:");
scanf("%d", &choice);
case 1:
printf("Inserting element in Hashtable\n");
printf("Enter key and value-:\t");
scanf("%d%d", &key, &value);
insert(key, value);
case 2:
printf("Deleting in Hashtable \n Enter the key to delete-:");
scanf("%d", &key);
case 3:
n = size_of_hashtable();
printf("Size of Hashtable is-:%d\n", n);
case 4:
case 5:
printf("Wrong Input\n");
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