
Showing posts from February, 2022

Data Structure Lab CSL 201 Manual KTU - Dr Binu V P-9847390760

 Dr Binu V P - About Me Data Structures CST 201 KTU Theory Notes  ( Learn Theory Before You Attempt Lab Exercise) SCHEME AND SYLLABUS 1. Polynomial Addition using Arrays 2. Sparse Matrix Representation and sum 3. Stack using Array 4. Queue using Array 5. Circular Queue using Arrays 6. Double Ended Queue  7. Priority Queue  8. Infix to postfix 9. Infix to prefix conversion 10. Prefix to infix conversion 11. Evaluation of postfix expression 12. Singly Linked List 13. Doubly Linked List   14. Stack using Linked List 15. Queue using Linked List 16. Polynomial Addition using Linked list 17. Polynomial Multiplication using Linked List 18. Binary Tree using arrays and traversals 19. Binary Tree using Linked List and Traversal 20. Binary Search Tree Implementation and Traversal 21.Sorting Algorithms       Bubble sort       Exchange sort       Selection Sort       Insertion Sort       Quick Sort       Merge Sort       Heap Sort 22.Searching Algorithm      Linear Search      Binary Search 23. Gr

Scheme and Syllabus Data Structure Lab CSL 201

  Scheme and Syllabus